
Make the house Great

12 Inch Wall Mount Square Rainfall LED Shower Head, Stainless Steel

Purchased the 12" square brushed stainless steel LITB LED rainfall shower head for use in our newly remodeled bathroom (for $109) ... The shower head fit perfectly, and operated great... For the first five days. One of the red LEDs stopped working on day five, and then on day six the turbine (which generates the power for the LEDs) started screaming, and then stopped after about 15. We don't have hard water, so there hasn't been a buildup of material. A few days later, another LED failed, and the turbine continually whines. So, I looked for a replacement shower head before returning this one... All were sold out within the same price range, and similar 12" non-LED shower heads were $60 more. So, I removed the led and turbine from the shower head, and we've been happy since!

The shower head works fine with normal water flow, ours is at about seven and a half feet feet high, so the gravity acceleration of the water flow feels like much more is actually coming out. It's finished nicely and looks great, just yank out the electronics and it performs and looks like shower heads costing significantly more! Rating score is based on the failure of electronics...

Review By. K. Roth

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