
Make the house Great

Modern Contemporary Glass Curio Cabinet with Cappuccino Top and Bottom

Modern Contemporary Glass Curio Cabinet with Cappuccino Top and Bottom. Nearly all of my furniture is the "build it yourself" variety of furniture from Target, so I am no stranger to weird instructions and figuring out the puzzle of building furniture by myself. For this cabinet, however, I had to stare at the very first step of the instructions for a good 20 minutes before I realized it was missing some key things like which screws I was supposed to use for this particular step or which wood piece was the top and the bottom (the bottom has tiny holes near the bigger holes in it). Once I finally figured that out and got a few steps further, I realized that I was supposed to have the pipes very specifically aligned, which wasn't all that clear from the instructions. Once I got those two things figured out though (I had to redo the first couple of steps three times), it all came together nicely. I managed to build it by myself, but it definitely would've been easier with two people. Once you get the glass pieces together, this thing gets pretty heavy.

The piece itself is perfect for displaying random knick knacks. The shelves are very strong, the glass itself does not break easily (through my building process things definitely got dropped on the glass and the glass did not show a scratch), and it's very easy to see everything inside the cabinet. The door is easy to open and doesn't make much, if any, noise when opening or closing. So, overall, once I got the cabinet built, it was well worth it.

Review By. Eric Heine

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